My Gallery

Car l’Éternel, ton Dieu, te conduit dans une bonne terre, un pays plein de cours « d’eau, de sources et de torrents, qui s’épandent dans la vallée ou sur la montagne, un pays qui produit le blé et l’orge, le raisin, la figue et la grenade,l’olive et le miel. » 

Pentateuque- Chapter 8 – 7

« For the Lord your God is bringing you to a good l and, a land with brooks of water, fountains and depths, that emerge in valleys and mountains, aland of wheat and barley, vines and figs and pomegranates, a land of oil producing olives and honey. » 

Deuteronomy – Chapter 8 – 7
Tableau 15-fi21225266x791
Tableau 13-fi21226194x800


The Israelites then marched on and encamped in the steppes of Moab across the Jordan from Jericho – 2018
Oil on canvas 50/60


Docks – 2010
Oil on canvas 38/62

Tableau 16-fi21225279x570
Tableau 2-fi21213125x561

Kever Rahel

And there is hope for your future, says the Lord, and the children shall return to their own border
Mory – 2014 /
Oil on canvas 80/100

Judean mountains

Mory Judean mountains – 2012 

Oil on canvas 55/75

Tableau 11-fi21225175x470

Old city Jerusalem

Mory – 2013
Oil on canvas 45/50

Tableau 5-fi21224788x597

Safed – At the bend of an alley

Mory , 2019
Oil on canvas 50/60

Tableau 4-fi21224775x585 (1)

Jerusalem under the snow

Mory, 2015
Oil on canvas 65/75

Tableau 7-fi21226038x650


Mory- 2019
Oil on canvas 50/60

Tableau 6-fi21225996x440

Road 90

Mory, 2015
Oil on canvas 40/30

Tableau 1 -fi21212786x527


Mory, 2012 , view from talpiot studio
Oil on canvas 80/100

Tableau 12-fi21226167x491

On the road to Eilat

Mory – 2018
Acrylic on cardboard 21/30

Tableau 8-fi21225564x510

Before the sunset

Mory – 2020
Oil on canvas 50/60

Tableau 14-fi21226244x497

Armon Anatsiv

Armon Anatsiv – 2010
Oil on canvas 25/40

Tableau 9-fi21225988x470


Rain – 2013
Oil on cardboard 30/40

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